Here are some new articles worth reading:
"CD Sales Rise, but Industry Is Still Wary"
by Chris Nelson
New York Times
"Crackdown May Send Music Traders Into Software Underground"
by Saul Hansell
New York Times
"The Day The Music
Shop Died"
by John Harris
The Guardian
"Study Contradicts Music Industry's Piracy Claims"
Washington Post
"Audio Formats Stumble In Quest to Replace CDs"
by Mike Musgrov
Washington Post
"Killing the Music"
by Don Henley
Washington Post
Letter to Co-Sponsors of HE 834
by Jim Guerinot
"Music Industry Braces for a Shift"
by Laura M. Holson and Geraldine Fabrikant
New York Times
"CD Sales Rise, but Industry Is Still Wary"
by Chris Nelson
New York Times
"Crackdown May Send Music Traders"
Into Software Underground"
by Saul Hansell
New York Times
"The Day The Music Shop Died"
by John Harris
The Guardian
"Study Contradicts Music Industry's Piracy Claims"
Washington Post
"Audio Formats Stumble In Quest to Replace CDs"
by Mike Musgrov
Washington Post
"Killing the Music"
by Don Henley
Washington Post
Letter to Co-Sponsors of HE 834
by Jim Guerinot
"Music Industry Braces for a Shift"
by Laura M. Holson and Geraldine Fabrikant
New York Times
"Music Industry Targets Net Swappers"
by D. Ian Hopper, AP Technology Writer
Associated Press
"Calif. Legislature Widens Probe of Music Contracts"
"Ruling on Sampling Has Composers Rattled"
by Teresa Wiltz
Washington Post
"Lawmakers Targeting the Ecstasy of Raves"
by Geoff Boucher
LA Times